Ya lo sé... hace un montón que no actualizo, pero es que no he parado mucho en casa últimamente, pero bueno, aquí os ejo una nueva recetita de temporada.
Es verano y por lo tanto época de calabacines. Ese año nos hemos animado en casa a tener la mini huerta de balcón de la que ya os he hablado en otros post y he de decir que nuestro mayor fracaso han sido los calabacines. No porque la planta no haya crecido (es un bicho enooooorme), sino porque aunque hemos tenido muchisimas flores (que algunas nos hemos comido) todos los minicalabacines que salian se nos han estropeado. Y es que resulta que los calabacines, para que salgan bien, hay que polinizarlos!! (recomiendan por internet hacerlo con un pincelito). Es lo que tiene ser de ciudad, que uno no sabe estas cosas... pero bueno.
Visto nuestro fracaso, los de la receta son del frutero.
- 1 calabacín
- Harina de trigo
- 1/2 vaso de leche
- Sal
- Aceite de oliva
Lavad bien el calabacín y secadlo. Con un cuchillo afilado (o con una mandolina) partidlo en rodajitas muy, muy finas. Estendedlas sobre una superficie y salad ligeramente.
En un plato poned la leche. Id agregando al plato las rodajas de calabacín por tandas, para que todas se impregnen bien. Colocad la harina en otro plato y enharinadlas una a una. Sacudid el exceso de harina y dejad a un lado mientras se calienta el aceite que habremos colocado en una sartén (unos dos dedos de alto). Cuando esté bien caliente agregad las rodajitas bien separadas. Según se dore un lado dadles la vuelta y dorad por el lado contrario. Sacad de la sartén y dejad que escurran el exceso de aceite sobre un papel de cocina.
Cuando tengais todas, listas para comer! :)
I know it! It's been a long time since my last post but I haven't stopped much at home lately. Albeit, I post you this recipe using season ingredients.
It's summer, and therefore zucchini season. This year we've tried at home growing them in our balcony orchard (the one I told you about in other posts) but I must say it was a big disaster. It's not because the plant didn't grow (it's huge), but because although it has had many flowers all the small zucchini were spoiled when they grew. It turns out that, in order for them to grow, you must pollinate them (we found in internet that if bees don't do it for you you can always do it with a small brush). It's one of the things from being an city-dweller, that you don't know this kind of things.
After this, as you may have thought, the zucchinis in the recipe are from the greengrocer.
- 1 zucchini / courgette
- Wheat flour
- 1/2 glass of milk
- Salt
- Olive oil
Rinse the zucchini and dry it. With a sharp knife(or a mandoline) make very thin slices. Spread them out and salt them.
Pour the milk in a deep plate. Add the slices in different batches to make sure all the slices get coated with milk. Place the flour in another dish and star coating the milked slices. Shake the extra flour from them and set aside. Half way down this process start heating the oil (you would have placed about 4cm depth of oil in a pan). Once heated spread out the slices and cook them until golden. Turn them around once you see one side has a nice color. Place them out of the pan and let the extra oil drain in a paper towel. Add extra salt if needed and serve.
Once you've prepared them all, enjoy them! :)
Pour the milk in a deep plate. Add the slices in different batches to make sure all the slices get coated with milk. Place the flour in another dish and star coating the milked slices. Shake the extra flour from them and set aside. Half way down this process start heating the oil (you would have placed about 4cm depth of oil in a pan). Once heated spread out the slices and cook them until golden. Turn them around once you see one side has a nice color. Place them out of the pan and let the extra oil drain in a paper towel. Add extra salt if needed and serve.
Once you've prepared them all, enjoy them! :)