Palomitas (millo, rositas de maíz, pochoclos, pururú, pop, canchita, canguil, pororó, cotufas, gallitos, poporopos, crispetas, maíz pira, chivitas, cabritas de maíz, maíz tote, pipocas, rosetas, rosas, roscas, tostones, o cocaleca ), una de esas cosas que en español tienen mil y un nombres diferentes en función de la región en la que te encuentras.
Siempre pensé que serían muy difíciles de hacer. Quizás influenciada por el precio que tienen en los cines, donde parece que el caramelo ha de estar hecho con sangre de unicornio, ¡pero no! son hiper-fáciles. Perfectas para una sesión de cine casero o como picoteo para una fiesta :)
Os dejo con la canción de "If you wanna be happy" de Jimmy Soul, que siempre me ha hecho mucha gracia y me parece perfecta para preparar casi cualquier cosa.
INGREDIENTES: (para un tamaño medio de palomitas en el cine)
- 50g maíz para palomitas
- 1 cucharada de aceite
- 60g azúcar moreno
- 30g mantequilla
- Sal
En una cacerola amplia poned el aceite y empezad a calentarlo. Cuando esté caliente, agregad el maíz y tapad. Agitad la cacerola de vez en cuando para que no se os queme el maíz ni las palomitas que vayan explotando. Cuando dejen de explotar retirarlas del fuego y volcarlas en un cuenco. Agregad la sal que queráis.
En la misma cacerola que habéis usado para las palomitas añadid el azúcar moreno y ponelo a fuego medio-suave. No lo removais hasta que no veais que se hace caramelo. No hay que tostarlo, así que con que esté líquida el azúcar vale. Agregad la mantequilla y mezcladlo todo bien. Inmediatamente agregad las palomitas y removedlo para que se reparta bien el caramelo por todas.
Devolvedlas al cuenco y prepararos para ver una buena película :)
Popcorn, one of those things that really vary it's name depending where in the world you are. In languages like Spanish gets to have more than 15 different names.
I always thought sweet popcorn was very difficult to make. Maybe this was conditioned by the weird price it has in the cinema, where it seems to be made with unicorn's blood, but no! it's super easy to make!. Perfect snack for a film session or as nibbling for a party :)
I also link you to the song "If you wanna be happy" by Jimmy Soul, which I've always found very funny and it's great for prepareing almost anything.
I always thought sweet popcorn was very difficult to make. Maybe this was conditioned by the weird price it has in the cinema, where it seems to be made with unicorn's blood, but no! it's super easy to make!. Perfect snack for a film session or as nibbling for a party :)
I also link you to the song "If you wanna be happy" by Jimmy Soul, which I've always found very funny and it's great for prepareing almost anything.
- 50g popcorn kernels
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- 60g light brown sugar
- 30g butter
- Salt
In a big pot put the oil and start to heat it. Once hot, pour the kernels and cover with a lid. Shake every now and then to make sure it doesn't burn and, nor the kernels or the final popcorn. Once you stop hearing the kernels popping take them out of the heat and place them in a bowl. Add as much salt as you want.
In the same pot you've made the popcorn add the sugar and heat it to medium-low heat. Don't stri until you don"t see the sugar is melted. You don't have to make it a dark caramel, so it'll be ok just liquifying the sugar. Once it's liquid, add the butter and stir everything. Pour in the popcorn and mix it with the caramel so that all the popcorn gets a light caramel coating.
Put them back in a bowl and prepare to enjoy a nice film :)
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