Esta receta se creó en el Hotel Waldorf en Nueva York a finales del siglo XIX y con el paso del tiempo se le añadieron las nueces. La receta original es con mayonesa, pero he optado por cambiarla por yogur para refrescarla. Aquí os la dejo para probéis y disfruteis :)
- 125g de yogur griego
- 8 nueces picadas
- 1 manzana grande
- 1 apio
- 1 cucharadita de zumo de limón
- Lechuga (para decorar) Opcional
- Sal
- Pimienta
Lavad el apio, quitadle las hojas y picadlo en trocitos muy pequeños. Pelad la manzana y picadla en trocitos tan grandes como el apio. Colocaldo todo en un cuenco y añadid las nueces, picadas al mismo tamaño que el resto de los ingredientes. Añadid sal y pimienta al gusto, el limón y el yogur. Removedlo todo bien y mantendla en frío hasta que la sirvais.
¡Que aproveche! :)
Heat is coming back and it's time to go back to the salads. The Waldorf salad is one of those recipes that introduces ingredients you don't normaly use in big quantities, celery. A clear example of this is that when I went to buy it the vegetable seller told me to be cautious with how much I put into whatever I was going to do with it, that if no, evreything would just taste to celery. When I told him it was all going into a salad he made me promise that the next day I would tell him how it had turned our. I wonder what he would have said if I had bought plutonium! :P
This recipe was created at the Waldorf Hotel in New York in the late XIX century and as years went by nuts were added to it. The original recipe uses mayonaisse, but changing it for yogurt refreshes it. I leave you the recipe here so that you try ir and enjoy it :)
- 125g greek yogurt
- 8 chopped walnuts
- 1 big apple
- 1 celery
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
- Lettuce (for decoration) Optional
- Salt
- Pepper
Rinse the celery, cut the leaves and chop in in small pieces. Peel the apple and chut it into pieces as small as the celery. Place in a bowl and add the nuts, previuosly chopped to the same size as the other ingredients. Add salt and pepper, the lemon and the yogurt. Mix everything well until everything is well yogurt coated. Keep in the fridge until serving.
Enjoy! :)